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분류 전체보기에 해당되는 글 849건
- 2020.05.17 파나소닉 UB9000 UDP 아날로그 오디오 출력 업그레이드 방법
- 2020.04.16 OPPO 203 용 하이엔드 DAC 보드 추가 생산 2
- 2020.01.19 reveiw of OPPO 205 complete mod. client
- 2020.01.08 high end UHD palyer compariosn
파나소닉 UB9000 UDP 아날로그 오디오 출력 업그레이드 방법
파나소닉 UB9000 UDP를 트랜스포트 모드로 많이 사용하는 것이 추세 이긴 하지만
아날로그 DAC 오디오 회로도 아사히키세히사의 DAC 칩 사용 등으로 꽤 괜찮은 편입니다.
적어도 OPPO 203 보다는 훨씬 좋습니다.
다만 여기서도 출력단 부분에 전해 콘덴서를 사용한 것이 좀 아쉽습니다.
납땜을 조금이라도 해 보신 분은 다음과 같이 독일제 WIMA 필름 콘데서 6개로 비용대 효과
가 좋은 업 그레이드를 할 수 있습니다.
언밸런스 출력 만을 사용할 분은 C4005,C4006 두 곳만 밑면에 병렬로 필름 콘덴서를 추가 하면 되고
밸런스 출력을 사용하는 분은 C4007~C4010까지 4 곳에 추가 하면 됩니다.
오디오 대역의 대부분은 이 필름 콘덴서를 통해 나가기 때문에 훨씬 더 좋은 소리를 낼 겁니다. 마크 레빈슨 등 하이엔드 오디오 기기도 트랜지스터 식 오디오 기기에는 이 WIMA 필름 콘데서를 다량으로 사용합니다.
오포 203 의 경우도 마찬가지로 업 그레이드가 가능한데 제 블로그에 예전에 쓴 글이 있습니다.
아래 독일의 블루레이 플레이어 튜닝 사이트에도 이 방법이 언급 되고 있네요.
| https://www.authentic-cinema.de/
'BD player Mod.' 카테고리의 다른 글
Panasonic UB 9000 개조 서비스 (2) | 2020.06.14 |
Panasonic UB 420 두 번째 수리 및 개조기 (4) | 2020.06.05 |
OPPO 203 용 하이엔드 DAC 보드 추가 생산 (2) | 2020.04.16 |
reveiw of OPPO 205 complete mod. client (0) | 2020.01.19 |
OPPO 203을 이용한 오디오 소스 플레이어로의 개조 (0) | 2019.12.02 |
OPPO 203 용 하이엔드 DAC 보드 추가 생산
이번에 새로이 오포 203용 하이엔드 2 채널 스테레오 DAC 보드를 소량 만들었습니다.
기존의 DAC 보드 자리에 그대로 넣어 사용 할 수 있습니다. 최상의 성능을 위해서는 별도의 리니어 전원을 사용하고
Femto clock으로 업그레이드 하며 옵션이지만 UHD BD ROM 드라이브의 진동 제어를 통한 데이터 읽기 향상을 위한
통 알루미늄으로 만든 스태빌라이저를 장착 하는 것이 좋습니다.
하이엔드 DAC 보드 :48만원
위의 모든 개조를 마친 오포 203의 성능은 500만원 대 이상의 CD/SACD 플레이어에 네트워크 플레이어 기능을 합친 소스 기기 역활을 할겁니다. ROON ready player로서의 기능도 훌륭합니다.
Features.( 주요 성능 )
1. premium Sabre ESS9038PRO DAC chip
현존 최고의 DAC 칩인 Sabre ESS9038PRO DAC chip 사용 ( OPPO 205 와 동일 )
2. best possible op amps: OPA1632 and OPA627
최고가 이며 최고 성는의 op amps인 OPA1632 and OPA627 사용
3. unbalanced output with gold plated RCA connector ( optional balanced output
is provided)
두터운 금도금으로 된 언밸런스드 단자 사용. 옵션으로 필요시 밸런스 단자 부착 가능
4. using microprocessor for user favorite selection HF filter
OPPO 203 셋업 메뉴에 있는 DAC 회로의 고주파 필터를 소프트웨어적으로 임의로 선택 가능
5. ground isolation between OPPO main board and 2 channel stereo DAC section with opto coupler
메인 보드와 DAC 보드를 옵토 커플러를 이용하요 전기적으로 완전 분리
6. 8 of Sabre ESS9038PRO chip data inputs are used all for 2 channel stereo
Sabre ESS9038PRO chip은 8 채널의 DAC 이나 이를 4 개씩 묶어 2 채널 스테레오에 사용함으로서 성능향상
7. separated clock (TCXO Japan NZ2520SD-80MHz (20 ppm).
별도의 고정밀 TCXO 클럭 사용. 필요시 100MHz Femto clock으로 업그레이드 가능
8. intensive use of local linear power supply (total 10 )
- separate analog and digital section of DAC chip .
총 10개의 세부 리니어 전원을 좌,우 독립적으로 사용
- separate left and right section of DAC chip .
- dedicated power for 80 (100) MHz clock
클럭에 대한 전원도 독립
9. gold plated thick PCB
두터운 금박 에폭시 글래스 PCB 사용
'BD player Mod.' 카테고리의 다른 글
Panasonic UB 420 두 번째 수리 및 개조기 (4) | 2020.06.05 |
파나소닉 UB9000 UDP 아날로그 오디오 출력 업그레이드 방법 (0) | 2020.05.17 |
reveiw of OPPO 205 complete mod. client (0) | 2020.01.19 |
OPPO 203을 이용한 오디오 소스 플레이어로의 개조 (0) | 2019.12.02 |
PANASONIC DP-UB9000 modification results (0) | 2019.10.13 |
reveiw of OPPO 205 complete mod. client
I've owned numerous Oppo Blu-Ray players dating back to the BDP-83SE and I have always been pleased with their performance for price in my home theater. I thought they hit a home run with their BDP-105 and I considered it the best value entertainment hub I was aware of that included the convenience of a Blu Ray / SACD transport, multi-channel DAC, and a decent headphone amp. With an output impedance of 100 ohms at it's XLR outputs, I was even able to connect my 300-ohm impedance Sennheiser HD800S headphones directly to these XLR outputs and found that it sounded very transparent albeit a bit harsh. I always felt that the Oppo, more than any other device, had the potential of being the ultimate jack-of-all trades A/V device even if it was the master of none. If I was forced into exile to the planet of Xanadu and I could only take with me my HE-1000, a flat panel OLED monitor, my hard drive full of media and one other electronic component, that component would have to be an Oppo.
Oppo upped the ante with the release of the BDP-205 which included true 4K playback capability, Dolby Vision, and ESS's latest ES9038Pro DAC chips, With firmware upgrades, this device has now become a certified Roon Ready network player as well as an MQA-enabled DAC. Typical of most products in this price range, what held this unit back was it's power supply. Oppo saw fit to power the analog section of the BDP-205 with an independent linear-regulated PSU but chose to power the digital section with a switch mode PSU. For some reason, it remains a common belief that analog components benefit from good power supplies while digital components do not.
Back when I owned the BDP-105, while pleased with its feature set, I always felt it could be improved and I contemplated various upgrades from the likes of Modwright, Audiocom, The Upgrade Company, JVB Digital, and Oppmod. Of particular interest to me was the upgrade offerings from Oppomod as they were the only one offering an OCXO clock upgrade option in addition to PSU upgrades. Having exchanged several e-mails with Dr. Lee Jaehong, who personally performs all the mods for this company, I was impressed by what he was willing to offer for a relatively affordable price (at least compared to his competition) but because I could never find any credible reviews, I never took the plunge.
With the release of the BDP-205 last year, I really wanted the 4k playback it offered and so I went ahead and upgraded. I was impressed by how much better this unit was compared to my BDP-105 with regards to both audio and video and so I thought it would be worthwhile to explore my upgrade options once again. I explored the Modwright upgrade and spoke with Dan Wright who informed me that his upgrades focus solely on the analog output stage. In other words, he left the digital side untouched including its noisy switching PSU. Since I generally bypass the analog section of my Oppos in favor of one of my Chord DACs, this particular upgrade had no real appeal for me.
I decided to check out Oppomod again and the first thing I noticed was they were still in business (which I thought was a good sign) and that they had updated their upgrade offerings to include both the OCXO clock and PSU upgrade for the BDP-205. Furthermore, their "Complete mod" upgrade which includes the OCXO, their best LPSU, replacement of the fuse with a circuit breaker, and mods to the DAC board were being offered for only $850 which included return shipping from Korea. While Audiocom was now offering a much more comprehensive upgrade that included a Femto clock, a better PSU, and other tweaks that addressed vibration and RF/EMI, their upgrade was considerably more expensive and so I decided to go with Oppomod. Of course, such mods would void your warranty with Oppo so proceed at your own risk.
What I expected to take a few weeks surprisingly took only a few days and while my Oppo was in Jaehong's possession, he communicated with me frequently, even showing me pictures of the upgrade process. Returned with my newly modified unit was the unit's stock switching PSU. I opened up the unit and it was easy to see the modifications that were performed. As far as quality of workmanship, it appeared top notch. Cables management was very good and nothing rattled when I shook the unit. As soon as I plugged in the unit and turned it on, everything functioned as I remember. This is as seamless an upgrade as there is.
As far as what got better, well, I'm happy to say, quite a lot and more than I was expecting. Video quality improved in terms of better clarity and deeper black levels. Is it the same difference between DVD and Blu-Ray? No, but the improvement is easy to appreciate and was noticed by every member of my family. As far as improvements in audio, this was the surprise because the magnitude of improvement was considerably more than I was expecting. Based on the quality of parts used in the upgrade, I had modest expectations and was expecting this unit to perform on par with something like an Auralic Aries which, to be frank, was an optimistic expectation because I never thought the stock unit when used as a streamer feeding either of my Chord DACs sounded all that great -- passable for movies but not really for audio. With the better PSU, OCXO clock and other mods, there was a very noticeable drop in noise floor, better detail clarity, better detail layering, a greater sense of space, and more dynamic weight and this was evident at low volumes and high volumes with both 2-channel audio and multi-channel video. Is this thing now a world beater? It's not realistic to think that this machine can compete with Esoteric's finest purely as a CD transport and DAC but when you factor in its versatility as a streamer or transport to feed a better DAC, at its asking price of around $2k, this unit would free up funds to allow the purchase of a better DAC and combined with something like a Hugo2, I would now absolutely put it up against Esoteric's finest. How does this unit stack up against my highly regarded Zenith SE when paired with the tX-USBultra and REF10? You would think the Zenith / tX-USBultra / REF10 trifecta would trounce it and you would be incorrect. In blind testing, with this modified Oppo connected to either my Chord DAVE or Hugo2 via Toslink (which is arguably these DACs' best input), a difference can be heard with a slight preference for the trifecta but the difference is barely large enough to matter and certainly not worth more than 5x the asking price of the modified Oppo.
For those content with the qualities of the ESS 9038Pro DAC who are looking for a genuine world class, single-box, Roon Ready, MQA-enabled, multimedia entertainment hub, I'm not aware of a better performing unit for the dollar. Seriously recommended.
Mac Mini with Uptone Audio MMK mod + Paul Hynes SR7 LPSU >SOtM sMS-200 + Paul Hynes SR7 LPSU >Chord DAVE >DHC Silver Spore4 + HFC Trinity Helix >HE-1000, Focal Utopia, Abyss, TH-900, Omega Alnico Custom Monitors >Pure Bliss
'BD player Mod.' 카테고리의 다른 글
파나소닉 UB9000 UDP 아날로그 오디오 출력 업그레이드 방법 (0) | 2020.05.17 |
OPPO 203 용 하이엔드 DAC 보드 추가 생산 (2) | 2020.04.16 |
OPPO 203을 이용한 오디오 소스 플레이어로의 개조 (0) | 2019.12.02 |
PANASONIC DP-UB9000 modification results (0) | 2019.10.13 |
M9701 ( OPPO UHD palyer copy ) (2) | 2019.05.12 |
high end UHD palyer compariosn
OPPO 203, 205, panasonic UB9000, Pioneer LX800,
Opinion. The Pioneer LX800 is based on subjective survey on internal electronic circuits, chips used, and reviews from abroad, not a real one. Please note that it is purely subjective.
1. Video Quality Aspects
panasonic UB9000 >> Pioneer LX800> OPPO 205 = OPPO 203
In terms of video quality, it's a big win for the Panasonic UB9000. It uses its own video processing chip.
The difference is even bigger when you play back Blu-ray discs, especially when you thought the picture quality was not good. He / she plays with a sense of stability elegantly. In addition, the quality difference between streaming services such as Netflix and YouTube is widening.
In contrast, the Pioneer LX800, OPPO 205 and OPPO 203 use chips from Taiwan Media Tech.
In the case of Oppo, many people think that expensive 205 is better than 203, but the video circuit is 100% identical. It is hard to feel the difference even if I see it.
The modified Oppo will show better image quality than the Pioneer LX800.
Panasonic UB 90000 Inside View
2. Digital audio side
panasonic UB9000> OPPO 205> OPPO 203
The Pioneer LX800 can't be evaluated because I haven't heard it.
Panasonic UB 9000 sounds better than digital audio output via HDMI or SPDIF
is. The Oppo 205 has a variety of digital audio inputs, so it's great to be able to receive many different types of input.
3. Analog audio side
OPPO 205> = Pioneer LX800> panasonc UB90i00 Japan Limited> panasonc UB90i00 (North America, Europe Edition)> = Oppo 203
For analog audio output via the built-in DAC, the Oppo 205 and the Pioneer LX800 will be similar. Oppo 205 looks better on circuit and spec. It has a dedicated large linear power supply and uses one Saber 9038Pro, one of the best DAC chips available. The Pioneer LX800, on the other hand, uses two similar Saber 9026Pro chips to produce stereo output. On the other hand, the power supply does not seem to reach Oppo 205.
panasonc UB90i00 Japan Limited uses the DAC chip of Asahikisei, Japan, to faithfully decorate it, but it is powered by switching power, so there is concern about noise inflow. If you convert to a linear power supply, there are quite a few improvements.
For the panasonc UB90i00 (North American, European edition) and the Oppo 203, analog audio output is a great expectation.
4. Usability aspect
OPPO 205 = OPPO 203> panasonic UB9000> Pioneer LX800
In this part, Oppo is the winner. Support for various playbacks such as playing videos embedded in the hard disk, and support for external subtitles in Korean is a feature that you can never expect from other devices. can.
panasonic UB9000 has built-in streaming service such as Nexflix and YouTube, and the picture quality is very good. It does not play SACD.
The Pioneer LX800 doesn't offer streaming service by default, and it doesn't even have an HDMI IN port, so it can't provide streaming service through the adapter.
출처: https://pcaudio.tistory.com/ [Jae H. Lee Blog]
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