TCXO/OCXO clock module and Analog DA board upgrade serive procedure

BD player Mod. 2015. 1. 22. 17:32

TCXO/OCXO clock module and Analog DA board

upgrade serive procedure

  mail to me


1. See the PDF file of OPPO 105/105F dis-assembling guide

2. Take out mother board for TVCXO/OCXO clock module upgrade

3. Take out anlog 2 chnnel DA board for upgrade

4. if you do both same time, it would be much better .

5. Send me to following address with registered air parcel , UPS or DHL.






Jaehong Lee

 101-1106 Samboo Apt.

Wangsimri-ro 280


Seoul, 133-774  , South Korea


Mobile phone: 010-6773-5828


6. When I receive the package, I will let you know the arrival. ( it would take 7-10 days from Europe or USA)

7. Upon the completion of upgrade work( 1-2 working days mostly) I will let you know and send payapal money request.

8, when receive the money, I will send you through registered air parcel ( Korea Post ) with tracking NO.


- No soldering is needed after these upgrade service is completed.

Simply assemble with screw driver.



TCXO clock mod. sevice (250$)





OCXO/TCXO clock module upgrade service (430$)



  0.01 PPM class OCXO is used for CPU/system clock



Analog DA board upgrade service (220$)






OPPO 103/103D analog board upgrade service is also avaiable for 130$.




1.Wima Film capacitors for coupling

2. Japan Nichicon KW class audio grade electrolytic capacitors for power section with wima film capacitors for reduce power impedence and low ESR.

3. top class LME 49720 metal can OP amp for front stereo output.




OPPO 93 analog board upgrade service is also avaiable for 100$.







 1. Wima Film capacitors for coupling

2. Japan Nichicon KW class audio grade electrolytic capacitors for power section with wima film capacitors for reduce power impedence and low ESR.

3. top class LME 49720 metal can OP amp for front stereo out put

Step by step procedure to dis-assemble OPPO 105/105D

BD player Mod. 2015. 1. 22. 13:43


This is step by step procedure to dis-assemble OPPO 105/105D to install new Linear power module or take out the mother board  or Analog DAC board to modify service.


1. Unscrew the bolts


when cover is looks as like this

To acess switching power module, multi channel DAC board must be taken out first.

Unscrew the bolts ( 8 of them )



To take out  2 channel DAC boars, these connectors must be detached.



Unscrew the bolts

take out boars slightly


to take out switching power supply boars, 6 screws must be unscrewed.

take out switching power PCB at rigt side.

Inorder to remove mother board m these connectors' cables must disconnected.

Flip the flat cable connector lid with finger and detach 15 pin power cable




flat cable to SPDIF board aso be disconnected.



Take out sub -frames at both sides


Now all cablesare are disc0nnected.


Unscrew the bolts

Use this

take out the mother board


To instll Linear power module , take out the black sheet at bottom.


dis-assembling is finished


the comments of OPPO 105/105D ultimate modification users

BD player Mod. 2015. 1. 21. 17:14

I have asked to those who have my OPPO 105/105D ultimate modified players.


One said " It is like 10000$ CD player's sound. I had used GOLDMUNT 18 universal plyer. the sound is better than GOLDMUNT 18".


The other said " it is far far better than expected. it became clean, transparent,. sound stage became more accurate and spacious......."



위의 사진과 같이 오포 105/105D를 개조 한 후 분들의 소감을 물어 보았습니다.

그 반응은 .. 좋습니다.




OPPO 103/93 analog board upgrade

BD player Mod. 2015. 1. 6. 09:30

개조 작업후에 남은 아날로그 보드를 커플링을 기존의 전해에서 독일제 WIMA로 전부 교체하고 전원부의 전해 콘덴서를 일본 니치콘사의 오디오용 전해 콘덴서 중에서 최상급인 KW급으로 교체 한 후 임피던스 상승을 억제 하기 위해 다시 WIMA 필름 콘덴서를 병렬로 연결 하였습니다.


상당히 좋은 결과가 나타 나서 오포 105 및 95에 대한 아쉬움을 많이 해소 할 수 있을 것으로 생각합니다.

I have modifified analog boards of OPPO 103/103D and OPPO 93 as shown in pictures.


1. the coulong capacitors around OP amps are substituted with German WIMA film capacitors. 

   Originally Electrolytic capacitors were used. but they are bad in sonic point of view.

2. Electorytic capacitors in Power supply area were replaced with NIchicon KW audio grade electrolytic capacitors  along with WIMa film capacitors to reduce the rise of impedence.


As a result,big  sonic improvement was obtained.


I think it is good alternaive choice who wants good sound from OPPO 103/103D and 93.


If you wnat to buy or upgrade by yourself , email me at

 upgrade fee is 60$ for OPPO 103/103d , 45$ FOR oppo 93.