OPPO LPM user's comment (USA)

BD player Mod. 2016. 9. 12. 12:54

Hello Mr Lee,

I was very pleased with the changes your LPM made to my OPPO 105D.  The sound is much cleaner and resolving of finer details of the recordings. As a musician, I can now hear with "new ears" the breath of the vocalist, the fingers plucking guitar strings and sustain pedals pressed on the piano in the recordings that I have been playing on the very same OPPO unit as before the modification was performed.

I previously made Mu-Metal shielding for the switching power supply transformers with good results before and reasoned that a true linear power supply would further improve the noise floor of the overall system, and it did!  

I must complement you on using a very good design and using the best components that I truly believe make a difference.  Your choice of an upgraded gold plated ceramic fuse was also impressive.  I am a medical imaging service engineer for SIemens and know quality electronics when I see them and your Linear Power Supply is worth the price paid and returned very pleasing results to my video and audio experience on my OPPO 105D.  Thank you!

